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Season Greetings

We want to thank all our customers and partners for the good co-operation during 2011.

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Fact finding trip to Sweden for Finnish hydro power companies

Fact finding trip to Sweden for Finnish hydro power companies. EXIGO arranged a Fact finding and business trip to Sweden for Finnish hydro power companies on 1 ‐ 3 November, 2011.

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ICT-markkinat Persianlahdella

Tervetuloa kuulemaan Persianlahden kasvavista ICT-alan markkinoista.

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Tackling E-Waste 5.7.2011

The production of electrical and electronic equipment is one of the fastest growing manufacturing activities worldwide. The emergent market penetration in developing countries, turnover in the developed world, and high obsolescence rates make e-waste also one of the fastest growing waste streams globally.

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